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Originally member of several black metal and death metal bands (Caïnan Dawn, Allobrogia, Maïeutiste, South of Hell, Ohio Slamboys...), I felt the need to create my own musical universe, the urge to write down my thougths and questions without knowing the form it would take at first. Drove by spontaneous emotions, I recorded my first feelings in 2012.

Through Kloct, I try to explore the intensity of human emotions whatever their form is. Melancholy, hope, sadness, doubts, anger...Everything you will hear is no more than a materialization of what I live, feel and see day by day. My state of mind captured at a given time.


Kloct is also an opportunity for me to observe the complexity of human lifepath and to answer questions through observing phases. The essence of life, the duality of mind, our relationship to the spiritual world as humans, our role and purpose of our actions downhere, the way societies are build to prevent us from seing the path, our weaknesses as men, how to access another level of vision...


The music traduces emotions while the lyrics paint a portrait of my thoughts and reflexions.


Explore the intensity of our existence...






Hellfest 2018 - Cainan Dawn - KLOCT - DR
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